Listo Culture

Management Programs

The digital world would not happen without having human interactions and thus we increasingly encourage our employees to develop themselves with the business, by providing an environment and tools that gives them the autonomy necessary for their carrier development. Additionally, we also have management programs that facilitate this process on a daily basis.


Our management programs:

Training program based on knowledge trails that seeks not only to disseminate internal knowledge management but mainly to encourage employees to develop professionally.

Flexible benefits program through which each employee can build a benefits package from a basket of options made available by Listo that best meet their requirements and needs.

Continuous climate and culture assessment program.

Performance evaluation program, carried out quarterly to foster a culture of learning and feedback aimed at the continuous development of employees.

Variable remuneration program based on the achievement of results for the Group, teams and each employee.

Formula Listo
Sales incentive program that uses gamification to create a healthy environment of competition and high performance in sales teams.